AMEBO | 31 May 2016 10:45 CET

I am not Engaged to Theo Lawson-Yeni Kuti Denies Marriage proposal


Yeni Kuti has always told us that she was not going to get married again. This was her confession until her 55th birthday celebration when it was announced that she got a surprised marriage proposal by Theo Lawson, who has been her partner for a very long time. While a lot of Nigerians are celebrating this good news, Yeni has denied that she is engaged.

The ring that was given to Yeni was not a marriage proposal but for more commitment. Yeni, was once married to Femi Segun who died in 2014. Talking about the ring, Yeni said ” He did give me a ring on my birthday, it was his mother's wedding ring. It does not mean we are engaged. It was a sign of commitment to one another.”

Five years ago, she said “I am happy the way I am and I'm in a very nice relationship with someone I love. I have nothing against marriage. I'm just happy where I am. At fifty, you're set in your way and not sure whether you'll make a good wife material anymore. I'm a career woman, I face my career which is my life and it takes my time. I traveled a lot too. But for now, my life is in the Shrine. And like I said, I'm in a relationship and we're both happy together. If it ends in marriage so be it and if it doesn't, I'm happy.”

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