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Monday, October 17, 2016
8220;Hate8221; is a strong word. But it might not be strong enough to adequately describe how much your husband cares for you. Yes, you read that last part right. Confused yet? Read on.He may not always be the best at expressing it, but here are 10 things your husband absolutely hates:1.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Here are eight things you should never share on Facebook.1. Your relationship troublesIt is dangerous to post about fights you8217;ve had, things that bother you or even more serious news like you are considering a divorce or separation on Facebook. While it may be your way of reaching out
Monday, October 17, 2016
Here8217;s how to say 8220;no8221; and hold your boundarieswith someone when you are on a date a6he begins to the act weird i,e when he starts making unhealthy advances which tends towards sx.Go ahead: try getting these words out with some graceandstrength behind them:1. 8220;No.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Over the years, fashion magazines and Models have made us all believe that beautiful photographs are exclusive to a select few. This has made some people so comfortable hiding behind the scenes that they could almost bet their lives they arent cool for the cameras.This self-imposed belief has b
Monday, October 17, 2016
If the sounds of someone slurping or chewing make you want to rip off your own skin, you may be one of the 20 of people who have acondition called misophonia, or in regular-people words, a heightened sensitivity to certainnoises. While this condition may ruin your destinationweddingat the soup f
Monday, October 17, 2016
These 17 actions can bring delight into your relationship once again, and make your sweetheart feel how much you truly adore her.1. Play with her hairWomen are actually like very large cats. Playing with her hair will immediately cause her to internally start purring. Note: If your lady has n
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Recently, a popular OAP advised girls in their 20s to kiss strangers and have one night, you might just need to read this story as shared according to the nationonline ,and then decide if you still want to listen to such advice. Its just sad how people who others look up to dish out bad stuufs to th
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Dettol Celebrates Health and Hygiene by Donating Handwash Centers and Borehole on Global Handwashing Day 20Every year millions of children in developing countries die from infection and illnesses, such as Diarrhoea source: UNICEF. These deaths can be prevented with a simple act of washi
Saturday, October 15, 2016
If you think that stress makes you eat get ready to flip the script:Some foods actually make you stressed, anxious, even sad1. CupcakesWell, anything sugary, may put certain people at higher risk for depression. Research shows it has something to do with thehigh glycemic index.2. Th
Saturday, October 15, 2016
We can affect our unborn baby negatively, simply because of the choices we make. Talking to your doctor may well be the best course of action. In the meanwhile, here are seven ways a pregnant woman can affect her baby.1. Steer clear of traffic:An international study concluded that breat