General News | 23 May 2024 16:23 CET

Daddy Showkey Reveals Discovering Music Talent While Working In A Motor Park

By Oluwarantimi Oludase 

Popular Nigerian veteran artiate, John Odafe Asiemo, best know as Daddy Showkey, has disclosed how his music talent waa ignited in a motor park.

The veteran singer was on a recent episode of “The Honest Bunch’ podcast, where he disclosed that while working in the motor park, he was advised by a person to try music, as his voice was good for it.

He said;
“I was working in the motor park as a ticketer when someone told me I have a good voice and that I should consider becoming a musician,” he recalled.

At first, I was skeptical because I didn’t know how to sing but when I attempted it, I discovered that everyone liked it so that was how I became a musician.”

Other sites The Nigerian Voice