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Monday, October 24, 2016
lt is something that not just adds taste to our food but also affects our bodies in ways you can8217;t imagine. We all know that salt, which is the primary source of iodine, if not included in our diets can lead to a situation called goiter, but the same salt when consumed in excess, can lead to d
Monday, October 24, 2016
The dating pool can be a harsh place. When you first begin dating you may become invested in someone who turns out to be not quite normal. If you find yoursquo;re continuously falling for people who are just plain crazy, there may be a reason for that. Here are five of them:1. Yoursquo;re r
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Are you are dating someone that exhibits any of the character flaws below, I beg you to pump the brakes and really think about whether or not this is the right person for you to spend your life with.1. SelfishnessIt doesnt matter how much you love a selfish person, your love wont change who
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Who doesn8217;t want healthy teeth which translate into a bright smile? While there are many healthy options to get a glowing batch of teeth there are also some foods that mean disaster to your teeth. Here8217;s what you should avoid :1. Tea and coffeeThe tannic acids in coffee and even in
Sunday, October 23, 2016
An epitome of brain, beauty, style and authentic independence, ageless Grace Egbagbe is the cover star of TW Magazine latest issue.The veteran media personality speaks on her love for God, family and how she plans to capitalize on the graces in her life to help other people navigate the often tr
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Whatever is it that is destroying your happiness and ruining your day, you can still find a way to put a smile on your face.Here are 15 fabulous and simple ideas to make you smile:1. Call your mom.2. Make a list of things that make you happy.3. Read the holy book.4. Go for a run or par
Saturday, October 22, 2016
The good thing about having a string of failed relationships is that you get a lot of opportunities to learn from your mistakes so that you dont repeat them in the future. While relationships dynamics and requirements differ depending on the couple, there are some things you should never have to do
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Actually, i feel frigtened sometimes at the mention of marriage, not because i have not found 8216;the one8217; and neither is it because something is wrong with 8216;the one8217;, but mehn, j cant just describe these feelings. After reading this article as shared by, i reali
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Did you know that you can squeeze something more out of lemon apart from making the usual lemonade? These are a few things on how to get the most out of lemons. Image courtesy: Shutterstock1. Stain controlLemons are also excellent stain removers. Just rub half a lemon on the stain and allow th
Friday, October 21, 2016
TIME magazine has released their annual list of the 30 Most Influential teens, and this year8217;s list includes tons of names youll instantly recognize.From actors to activist, athletes and musicians, here are the 30 most phenomenal teens for 2016.