Film/TV Workshop | 13 June 2016 16:00 CET

Miss Sahhara should be ban- Freeze


OAP Freeze wants Miss Sahhara, who he has referred to as an abomination in Nigeria to be banned. Recently, Sahhara announced that she will be the lady to represent Nigeria at the forthcoming Miss Trans Star International beauty pageant in Barcelona, Spain. This has not gone well with Daddy Freeze who has spoken against the Nigerian transgender.

Freeze didn't mince words when he said “I have for a very long time, held back on making comments on G#y and transgender people. I think we are beginning to lose direction as a nation. Our traditional laws and religions forbid these practices and of times refers to them as 'abominations'. The bible and the Holy Quran both agree with this, so where is this 'tolerance' coming from?"

He went on to say "...Our masters control Religion and education and now they want to control culture by making us follow their path of embracing homosexuality. My humble advice is we do what we did to the Bruce Jenner show, (sorry but I still see him as Bruce). "

As if he was not done, he added "Let us ban this Mr Sahara fellow. In our plight to be entertained let us not end up being morally derailed.”

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