Art & Culture | 8 September 2015 22:18 CET

Eva Alordiah Turns Self Into A Zombie (Photo)

Source: Maryjane Ezeh/
Eva Alordiah

Eva Alordiah

She is an embodiment of creativity and talent. Eva Alordiah is one unique Nigerian female rapper, who not only raps or sings but also a make-up artiste.

The fact that she studied Computer Science in the University doesn't make her limit her inborn flair to create and designs arts.

The petite singer often shares some photos on her Instagram page, displaying her make-up works.
However, her latest post is that of where she transforms herself into a zombie.

It's really an awkward sight and looks totally real, more like a scary scenes in Nollywood.

Eva Alordiah before the make-up

Other sites The Nigerian Voice