I am sure most people will hate to admit this ,but i will go ahead and say what i have to say and let those that will get angry get mad about it.
Some will call me ignorant and some will call me old fashion but the truth is adirom acho okwu nma[i hate to use euphemistic words to soothe the crowd].
During the dark days ,when men use to marry thier heart throb and they live happily ever after,not like today when WOMEN marry men based on how much ALIMONY she will get or how much she will get from DIVORCE ,that was when life was sweet and sacred ,then out of sudden PINK SKIN invaded AFRICA and took us into slavery,but before that ,they taught us how to depend on them for everything,they changed our culture,ideas and way of trade and life.
They gave us thier ways and yank some of our people away to do thier chores,they called them slaves.We were walking with fetters of iron round our ankles,waist and hands or brand mark which was casted with hot iron to show ownership.
The slaves endured the tutorage ,the agony and inhuman treatment, but you cannot enslave a man for life.At a time the slaves started growing beard,learning how to speak in the same white man's language ,which the white man taught them to enable them maximise the use of the slave, and to top it all ,they learn how to get in bed with the white man's daughters ,have it at your mind that BLACK MEN are extra blessed in that department, and that was what made white men to ask for independent for the blacks,the fear of having half of caucasians with AFRICAN DNA is the begining of independent slaves.
The white oppressors worked hard to abolish slave and thus it was giving to them reluctantly ,but who will take over the under paid working position of the freed slaves ?.That was the question the leaders of Pink skin asked ,well it is not easy to tell an independent man that he is no longer free ,if you try that ,you will have a big ugly fight in your hand.
Setting the blacks free posed a big dilema to the caucasians ,because somebody must serve them as slave ,as they are used to been served.
So the elites of the Pink skin delibrated and conclude that since thier own people wanted them to free the captives ,that thier own people must be made to take over the position of SLAVES ,but it is not an easy job ,so they congregated and concieved an idea that will look nice on the surface but serve the same purpose of slavery -THEY CALLED IT CREDIT CARD.
A plastic card that will be shoved into your hand and you will start living from hand to mouth,you can fly air plane to somewhere that you ordinarily would,nt want to go,but thanks to credit card you now travel on credit.
Buy a chair you never need,buy an expensive Car that worths more than your house in the village,buy a house that your great grand children will inherit the debt,even though the house must be made with woods and if fire mistakenly pass through it ,you can only point to the location where you use to have a house.Despite the burden of MORGAGE ,the IRS will be watching with hands akimbo to deal you the mighty blow that will suffocate you after the morgage has been paid in full.
We all know that slaves work hard to get food to eat,place to sleep and serve the master,that is same thing credit cards provides,you will have food on your table which you bought on credit,Cars which is also on credit,House which is valued on credit and your kids went to school on credit.Check most of the things in your house and life ,you will see that you bought them on credit and many of them makes no sense to start with,but you crave to have them because you have CREDIT CARD ,unless you understand that it is PLASTIC SLAVE CARD you are holding ,you will continue to work hard to be poor.
Do not forget that if you are indebted to someone ,you are slave to that person,which means you work to please the master ,you earn money to pay back the master for giving him PLASTIC SLAVE CARD loaded with credit bondage and, when you spend so much they will give you a bigger credit to make sure that for life you are indebted to them.Your house morgage may be spilted into 30 years payment set up,so that your children might grow to inherit the debt.
Meanwhile while you are busy working to meet up with your credit lines and padded payments with outrageous interest,they are busy introducing INTERNET E BAY ,that way you keep up pilling and building your credit ratings.
They even rate some people as middle class and they expect you to die in the middle,because they won,t give you the same ladder that propelled them into FIRST CLASS.
Naturally ,if one is to buy things based on cash ,there are over 100 items in your house you will not buy ,because you don,t need them.If you are to pay cash for things you want ,you would,ve saved a lot of money and that means you will one day become MILLIONAIRE and out of the master,s control.
So they made sure that you have things to tie you down.They made us relax our faith to daily bread ,so you have to work 2 jobs for same master to be able to pay up your mount up credit at the end of the month ,then after you are back to your credit level which is always flowing like a River without bridge.
All you do is work hard to make them richer and they leave you with BROKEN HOME ,BROKEN DREAM and broken MARRIAGE.
The first thing they require from you to qualify you for credit card is WORKING PLACE ,have you asked why they did not find it in thier heart to give credit line to those that are not working ? because those that are not working might use the money to start Independent business and get rich enough not to be controlled.But he that is working is so grossed by commitment and office pressure to even think of how to become independent, that means your boss decides what you will be.But those that are not working are at advantage to be creative and, make money,that is why you see majority of those that made it in WESTERN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIES are from poor background,especially the blacks who are making waves in sports and entertainment. They are not yoked with credit debt ,that is why they can play basket ball on hard turf ,they can sing music in ghetto and do things that will make them millionaires in no time,because they are not clogged with the yokes of modern day slavery and beating pay back for the credit yoke that is hanging around the neck of PLASTIC CARD HOLDER.
Even majority of people you knew, that made discoveries in western world and became millionaires are not indebted with some credit card debt,they did it the hard way of ike kete orie [individual effort].
I will think that BILL GATE would not have invented MICROSOFT if he was employed and hung with some credit card ,he will be working hard to pay of his debt ,only to get indebted at the end of every month ,which is the design of credit card,but because he is not burdened by such ,he was comfortable in his garage where he started the advent of MICROSOFT.
If you want to prove me wrong that credit card is not MODERN DAY SLAVERY ,try and raise money from some place outside your known place of work and pay off your credit debts,you will see that instead of the BANKS to send you THANK YOU CARD ,they will send investigators to sniff around and know how you did that .Which means thier primary concern is not thier money but your staying indebt.
If you also want to know ,if credit card has some FORCES that make you spend so much ,try and discard your credit card for 3 months and do everything in cash.
By the end of that 3 months ,you will see that you spend about 20 % of what you should,ve spent with card.Then the Banks will send people to ask you why you are not spending more and they will even suggest raising your credit.
The reason why it is easier to get rich in Third World countries is because they deal on cash and therefore they are in control of thier action ,but with credit card ,the bank controls your life with a remote control.
What i am saying is that we FARICAN,S should TRY MAKING USE OF CASH more and less of credit card ,so that we all can escape this modern day slavery ,which is in form of CREDIT CARD.
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