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Daily Devotional: Supernatural Provision

Passage: Matthew 17:24

However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.

Message: Supernatural Provision

Prior to the passage, the tax collectors were asking Peter if Jesus didn’t pay taxes. So in the passage, Jesus understanding the laws of the land, provided tax payment for both himself and Peter through a supernatural means of provision.

Jesus causing the provision to come from a fish suggested they didn’t have what was needed to pay their taxes. It’s possible that while walking in your purpose some things in your life aren’t adding up. Nevertheless, God is aware of those things, it is not His desire that while being obedient to His voice, you’re unable to take care of your bills and other necessities. He requires, however, that we always seek Him for the provision, because He will indeed make a way.

Today’s message is a reminder that God is aware of your needs and just as the fish produced what was needed in the passage, He’ll open doors for you that’ll produce what you’re also in need of.

I pray that circumstances wouldn’t cause us to doubt God’s word, but it would strengthen our trust in Him as our provider.

If you have any questions or prayer requests, don't hesitate to write me. :)

- Stephanie Ike