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Why my new baby bears same name as my hit movie –Lancelot

Award-winning movie director, Lancelot Odua Imaseun should be one of the happiest men on earth at the moment. Not only is his latest movie, Ebuwa, making waves, his wife has been delivered of a bouncing baby girl.

According to Imaseun, the gift of a baby is one of the best things that have happened to him.

“Her name is Osayeebuwamwen (Ebuwa for short), which literarily means God has given me a bag of wealth. I had my first baby at the age of 37, I tell you, it is a very big hit for me.”

Though he named his daughter Ebuwa, Lancelot said it didn’t have anything to do with the title of his movie.

“Like I told you, it was just that I got a lot of blessings during her birth. It was just proper for me to give her that name.”