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Junk food contain a class of fats known as “trans fat” that can make young men and women like you infertile, even if you are in tip-top physical and mental state of health. Trans fat are the type of fat formed when liquid oils are processed into solid fats.

Typical examples are hard margarine or commercial frying fats that can be used repeatedly without breaking down in composition.


They increase the levels of “bad” cholesterol and decrease relative levels of “good” cholesterol. They also promote inflammation and the formation of blood clots within blood vessels. The impact of a diet high in trans fats on an otherwise healthy couple who is trying to start a family is significant. Along with other health concerns associated with trans fats(high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity), decreased fertility appeared to be directly linked to trans fat consumption.

You are not just wrecking your heart and waistline with all the unhealthy fat loaded in the deep-fried crispy chicken, beef burger, oily French fries or sugar filled ice cream, you could also be wrecking your chances of getting pregnant.

SPERM ANALYSIS Junk food products particularly those containing trans fats, can make healthy young men infertile by damaging their sperm. Such men who eat high amout of junk food have poorer sperm than those with nutrient dense of diet. Continued consumption of high levels of trans fat- containing junk food could lead to complete infertility. Analysis of sperm from men aged 18-22 years showed that men heavily into junk food produced sperm that not as likely to survive the trip to fertilizing the egg as those produced by men who ate healthy diet. The men who ate the highest levels of trans fat had the worst quality sperm. In contrast, the men that ate healthy diets- including lots of whole grains, vegetables and fish had the best quality sperm. Men who consume high amounts of junk foods, processed red meats, potato chips, cookies and cakes were found to have sperm of poorer quality than their counterparts who partake of a nutritious diet, high in whole grains, vegetables and fish. In particular, men consuming high levels of trans fats, naturally found in fried foods, have worst quality sperm, that is, sperm that is least likely to survive the journey to fertilize an egg.

CASE FOR WOMEN Trans fat can dramatically impact a woman's ability to conceive. First, a diet high in trans fat is likely to lead to obesity, and being too obese is not good for a woman's regular ovulation. Second, overweight or not, trans fat interfere with body chemistry such that the body becomes more resistant to insulin. The makes level of both sugar and insulin in the bloodstream go up, another strike against full fertility. Thirdly and perhaps most significantly, the inflammatory effect of trans fats can interfere with ovulation, conception and even early embryo development.

WHICH FOOD TO AVOID OR LIMIT INTAKE The most common culprits are packaged snacks, fried foods and commercial baked goods like white bread, cakes, cookies, crackers, pies, margarine, fried potatoes or other commercially deep fried foods. Which fats should we eat? We are supposed to limit our intake of saturated fats like butter and meat and eliminate artificial trans fats. We need the healthy omega- 3 fats in fish, flaxseeds and walnuts.