Top hip hop artiste,Gabriel Amanyi,popularly called Terry G got his very first Christmas package for 2011 at Benin,Edo State on December 18.

His supportive fans who are based in Benin City gave him the surprise gift when he was performing at Star Lager Beer show in the town.The crazy singer was said to have gotten his fans crossed when he refused to listen to their instructions.

According to the information gathered,Terry G imbibed the norm of performing only his new songs,while his fans and audience wanted his old songs,especially Ginger Ur Swagga.It was alleged that they called Terry G,begging him to perform his old songs,as usual the artiste who dares the impossible continued with his new songs and retired to the back staged thereafter.

The source informed that his fans became so furious that they defiled all efforts by security officials,went back stage and dealt Terry G several blows,which left bruises on his face.

The source continued that he was forced back to the stage,where he performed Ginger Ur Swagger before the security officials took him away.