Home › Nollywood Glamour       11.6.2011

Through thick and thin

Belts are in this season and better than ever. Their shapes range from thin and simple to thick and bold. They are perfect addition to both simple and classy ensemble.

Fashion belts are affordable options for creating variation in your everyday wardrobe. Just as there are a variety of belt shapes, there are also varieties of outfits with which the shapes can best be paired.

Thin belts basically can turn a simple outfit to classy. Try wearing a thin belt with a classy, shorter-than-knee-length dress and cinch these belts so that they appear as high-wasted and do not fall right on your hip line. Also, thick or chunky belts are great for adding a bold statement to any outfit. Best paired with solid coloured outfits, thick/wide belts offer a fun dimension to calm outfits.

However, it’s not just about cinching a dress, you can belt anything from pants to jackets to jumpsuits; but whichever way you choose to tie it - thick or thin - make sure it accentuates your curve or makes your waist more slender.