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Discovering And Developing Your Talent

There are talents, gifts and abilities in every man and woman but you could waste a great deal of your life struggling to succeed with things that are not in harmony with your natural talents and strengths. You could also waste great deal of your life struggling to overcome the weakness related to areas where you simply do not have the natural talents to do so. If you know what your natural talents are, you will locate and focus on developing them in strength and you devote your life to working what is in harmony with your natural talents and strength. Most likely, this will be a much better use of your time and generally make you happier, more effectively, and more successful.

Most Nigerian do not know what their strengths are. When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong answer. Please note that each person’s talent is enduring and unique and each person’s greatest room for growth lies in the areas of his or her greatest strengths. So stop comparing yourself with others. No one is better than you. You are unique when you begin to use your gift to creatively meet needs and solve problems for people. You will tap an unlimited source of wealth and success. Recognize in this life that your gift is your bargaining power with life. What great people like Genevieve Nnaji, 2face Idibia, Paul Play and Asa have done is they focus on the development and the utilization of their gifts and they became successful.

The tragedy of life is not that each of us does not have enough strength; it is that we fail to use the ones we have. Just look into yourself and try to identify your strongest threads (natural talents) and reinforce them with practice Learn and come out with a role which draws on these strengths everyday. When you do this you will be more productive, more fulfilled, and more successful. Most people believe that their greatest improvement will come from overcoming their weaknesses. And I say No! Your greatest improvement will come from identifying your natural talents and strengthening them. I have always believed in producing results. I wonder why some people hold on tenaciously to limiting concepts that slow down their pace in life.

Ask any successful talented man who had nothing to begin with how he succeeded and he will tell you that it was vision, hard work and persistence that catapulted him to stardom. Do not deceive yourself by believing that you can get something great in life by doing little or nothing. Money flows in the direction of energy, and that energy is your creativity (talents), says Mike Murdock. Life rewards you for only what you work for. My friend, make use of your gifts, talents and abilities to serve others. The master motivator, Zig Ziglar said “You will always have everything in life you want if you will help other people to get what they want. Service is your action key to unlimited successes. Money flows in the direction of quality service.

Understand how to distinguish your natural talents from things you can learn.

Identify your dominate talents and common language to discover your talents.

My friend, to develop your natural talents (once you have identity them) into strengths require knowledge and strengths and skill. Let me provide the definitions of terms used in this write-up.

Talents are your naturally recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Your various themes of talents are what the strength finder profile actuality measures.

Knowledge consists of the fact and lessons learned.

Skills are the step activities.

Well, once you have identified your dominant natural talent and assessed to what extent you have developed them into strengths, you can ask yourself these questions:

1. What do I want to achieve with my life?
2. What are my purpose and goals?
3. Which are my important natural talents I want developed further?
4. Which of my natural talents can contribute most to achieving my purpose and goal?
5. What do I have to do to develop these talents into strengths?
6. What knowledge do I need to learn to develop these talents?
7. What skills do I need to acquire or improve to develop these talents?
8. What weakness do I need to overcome to develop these talents?