Coming Events | 6 October 2016 12:10 CET

The Mrs Accolade International pageants presents a glamorous, inspirational showcase for the younger generation

By Ebere Omeje

The Mrs Accolade International pageants presents a glamorous, inspirational showcase for the younger generation; as a global event; we create an opportunity for married women to show their resilient beauty. One of our core visions is to leave a lasting impact on aspiring mothers; summarily “Beauty is a life-long possession”; we show married women and mothers as spectacular beauties; beyond the skin; we will present the beauty of dedication, parenting, experience, knowledge and wisdom; of virtue, service and patience; such character that can only be imbibed and brewed from resilience and dedication to family and sustenance.

Reverberating, Long term impact
The project is intended to help women become voices to be heard as they are encouraged to build on their dreams, become renowned in any chosen area of endeavors.

The pageant is designed to assist great initiatives come to fruition for those who have dreams and need financial assistance. Teaching the younger queens the actual essence of pageantry rather than let them dwell in ignorance, making negative use of a positive initiative.

Through this pageant we will change the perspective of young women who go into marriage with a paranoia, with hopelessness; as a matter of societal requirement; we will show women that happiness, beauty and soundness are possible achievements in marriage as these beautiful women inspire the world around them.

For participation, partnership and sponsorship please call Ambassador Ginika Tor Williams on 08142226622 and 08173999994 or visit

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