Relationships | 15 July 2016 22:20 CET

Life And Relationships—Keeping The Delicate Balance

By Tolulope Olaifa

Everyday life throws challenges at us, and we struggle to balance work, school, business or whatever else we have to do. With the amount of tasks left to be accomplished daily, we sometimes neglect to show our significant others how much they mean to us and this starts to cause friction in the relationship.

Over time if this continues, because they have the feeling that they are not as important as the other things in your life, they tend to draw away, creating a division in the relationship- or perhaps even finding comfort in the arms of someone else. It is very important to know how to maintain a balance between your goals and your relationship if you don’t want to lose out on both ends.

But whatever you do, don’t choke your partner. Give them space from time to time so that they don’t feel cornered in.

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